Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Punta Comorant and Post Office Bay

We awoke early today for a pre-breakfast outing, We boarded the zodiacs at 6:30 a.m. - and headed for Punta Cormorant on Isla Floreana, making a wet landing on a green (olivine) beach. Blue Footed Boobies nested on a bluff above us and dove for fish just off the beach. On our way to a white sand beach with turtle nests. Our guide pointed out the rare endangered Floreana mockingbird. It was cute. But we really enjoyed the pink flamingos in the salt pond. 

We went back the ship for breakfast (the food here is super delicious) and then we were off for another zodiac ride followed by a wonderful snorkeling trip. After yesterday, everyone was huddling together and extra careful. Not only were the fish gorgeous, but it was a thrill snorkeling with the sea lions who dove all around us and have no fear of humans. 

Photos   Expedition Report 

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In the afternoon, we visited the famous Post Office Bay, where a barrel is still used for an old mail swap tradition going back to whaling ship days of 1793. We addressed post cards and we'll see if other tourists hand deliver them to our addressees! No stamps were needed – it is the good will of the people visiting here. We picked up a card to an address in Sarasota, FL and will deliver it upon our return. Later in the day, we explored some rocky inlets and islands where we spotted 7 penguins (the species is only found here) and some marine iguanas and sea lions. Quite a fun day!

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