Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fjord Cruise

 September 9 -  In my mind, I perceived us riding on a little boat chugging its way up the fjords.   This cruise from Flam to Gudvangen is so popular hundreds of tourists including us stood in line with our light rain umbrellas UP to board this sleek fjord cruise boat.  It is all electric so no chugging.  

Flam, itself, is very small village inhabited with about 400 locals and up to 10,000 tourists on a busy day such is the beauty of this place. Hiking or better yet riding an electric bike here on a sunny day would be spectacular. Today, the clouds pressed down on us so we just made the best of it.  As the fjord cruise boat glided through the fjords, I was outside much of the time enjoying whatever breaks in the clouds revealed. 

Upon disembarking at Gudvangen, clouds wet with rain surrounded us so we couldn't see much. We had booked a shuttle bus ride to Flam where we were to wait for a ferry to Balestrand.  Given the almost zero visibility, I wondered how the in the world could the bus make its way up and over the steep mountain and back down to Flam. But No Worries!  Norway has tunnels!  For all but a few minutes at each end of the shuttle bus ride, we were in a tunnel - no clouds in the tunnel.   

The fjord cruise travels up the Aurlandsfjord from Flam and then down the Nærøyfjord to its head at Gudvangen,  

Leaving Flam.

Entering the Nærøyfjord

Somewhere along the fjords

Almost socked in

A break in the weather

Waiting to board cruise boat


The weather turned rainy and awfully cloudy for our long awaited fiord excursion out of Flam.  However,  the drizzle let up a bit to get some shots and it looked mystical through the clouds.  The fjords are breathtaking around every corner.  


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