Monday, November 30, 2020

Marie the Centenarian - A Wonderful Celebration

My Mom, Marie McDermott, celebrated her BIG 100th in fine style.  She started the day attending 8:30 Mass at Sacred Heart Church where everyone sang Happy Birthday to her.  Father Stephen Olds greeted her warmly and said the Mass for her intentions.  

At noontime, she zoomed with our entire family.  Her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren lit up the airwaves in conversation from Hawaii, California, Connecticut, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Connecticut, Florida, etc.  At 2 pm, she celebrated at South Port Square Town Hall (where she resides) with 30 of her friends at a Cocktail Party complete with piano and songs from every decade of her life.  

The Grand Finale was a 6 pm at the Isles Yacht Club.  Fourteen family and close friends enjoyed a sumptuous champagne toast, prime rib dinner and chocolate birthday cake.  There was a wonderful slide show of her life created by son-in-law, Al Kuhnen.  A beautiful picture of her youngest great granddaughter, Lana Spanbock, was shared with everyone.  It was particularly meaningful because Baby Lana was dressed in Marie's original 100 year old Christening dress and hat!  As the party came to an end, we again sang Happy Birthday led by the Isles' Duo and had a parting dance.  All and all, a perfect tribute to wonderful Lady and inspiring Mother.

Mom standing with her poster about her life

Wonderful Slide Show created by son-in-law, Al Kuhnen

Champagne Toast

Beautiful grand-daugher, Michele, did the toast

Birthday Cake with Nephew, Jake Hickton

Mom with daughter, Joanne

Jake & Claudia's gift - new hat, animal print scarf and shades.
The New 100 Look!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice write up of all the festivities! Thank you!