Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Glow worms in the Keys

Glow worm circular mating dance
We were intrigued when we heard about a unique event at one of the Isles Yacht Club's cruiser meetings - kayaking to view Glow Worms in the Keys!   What ? ?
From shallow and grassy bottoms on the bay side of Islamorada arise glow worms that put on a light spectacle.  This happens like clockwork 40 minutes after sunset 2 or 3 days after a full moon. 

Some of our friends cruised to the Keys in their boats and others, like us, drove down.  After a lovely early dinner, we drove over to Islamorada Marina to launch our kayaks.  We paddled a few hundred yards to the grassy flats and waited patiently. 

Suddenly all around us, female worms about 1/2 inch long rose to the surface glowing a neon green in the dark water. We watched as bright green dots, the males, zoomed straight toward the females.  Some females attracted multiple males. Each female released an iridescent plume of eggs as she and her male cohort(s) spun round and round.   It it is truly amazing! The action ended in about 20 minutes.  Following the glow worm show, we paddled through mangrove tunnels. In open water, brilliant stars filled the sky above us.   What a fun evening for all.  Check out some of the paddlers!






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