Thursday, January 1, 2015


We had a wonderful Christmas!  Listed below are the utube videos of our boat all decorated out.  We participated in the largest boat parade that our town, Punta Gorda, has had in quite a while - 52 boats participated!   It was extra special in that my sister, Mary, and brother-in-law, Alan, arrived from Indiana just in time to join us and our boating club friends for the parade.  There were throngs of people along the shoreline and we had such a fun time shouting Merry Christmas, Ho Ho Ho, etc. to everyone! 

My sister, Claire, and nephew, Zach, also arrived later from Portland, Oregon.  We baked everyone's favorite cookies, shared dinners with Cousin Bill and his wife, Carol, from Naples and Cousin Constance and Bill here in town.  We rode bikes on the Punta Gorda Pathways and saw some great movies (Wild and Unbroken).  Lots of wonderful memories!

Lighting of the Fleet

Boat Parade Video 1

Lighting of the Fleet & Boat Parade

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