Monday, February 27, 2012

Hawaii - February 19 - February 20

We borrowed Michele's car and drove around to the other side of the Big Island to Hilo.  We wanted to see how it looked because we had visited Hilo about 18 years ago!  Well, it hadn't changed much!  It's the rainy side of the island and has very lush tropical foliage.  We decided to try zip lining since Hilo has the longest zip line in the state that goes over valleys and waterfalls.  We donned our helmets and gear.  Our guide gave us instructions - you just step off into oblivion and sit on some straps attached to the wire lines and whoosh -  off you go.  At first I held on for "dear life"  - then I let go - and miraculously, the momentum keeps you flying like a bird over valleys and even water falls.  There were 9 zip lines in all - and wisely, they work you up to the "big ones"!Wow - what thrills!  We'd recommend zip lining!!!

Some photos:

Feb 19,  Drive Michele's car to Hilo via Saddle Road

Feb 20,  We zip above Umauma Falls & drive back to Kona along Hamakua Coast through Honoka'a town

Umauma Zip Line    Umauma Website

My sister, Claire, recently lost her husband, Howard, after a year long battle with melanoma that started on his scalp. She flew out to join us so that she could "be" by the water and begin the first steps of trying to heal. Oh, GRIEF, is so scary, but I guess it serves its purpose. You have to go through the darkness and pain to get to the other side. New beginnings are so very hard and bitter-sweet until one day, you are filled with wonder that you have survived!

Here are pictures of us at a gorgeous beach. Richard rediscovered his boyhood by boogie boarding the waves. He had such fun - the smiles just lit up his face!
 Kekaha State Park

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