Boat maintenance and yard work have filled my days since the return from our cruise. Saturday, we broke for Water for Elephants. We liked the book; we liked the movie; we highly recommend both.
We love boating. So far, we've owned 3 sailboats, two called Eagle's Wings, and a beautiful Mainship Trawler called Indigo Star. Currently, we have a small power boat, a Jeanneau 28 ft, called Lickity Split. We've sailed the Texas and Florida coastlines including the Keys and the Bahamas. Also, we've chartered boats in Polynesia (Tahiti area), Belize, Croatia, Midi Canal in France, Bahamas and Virgin Islands.
We also enjoy traveling to other countries, sometimes with the Friendship Force.
We retired to Punta Gorda Isles Florida and in 2008 started this blog about our life here. Read all about our great Retirement Adventures. Enjoy!
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