The Honor Flight Network, a non-profit organization, honors our veterans for their sacrifices by transporting them to Washington D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. My amazing Mom was chosen to go for her service as a WAVE in World War II. She had a marvelous day, full of fun and tribute. She really enjoyed the arch of water made over her plane by the firetrucks as a tribute to her group of veterans as they took off from Fort Myers Airport.
Check out this picture of Mom at the Women's Memorial - before and after. She pulled up her picture taken in 1944 and there she is standing under it. She so appreciated everyone's kindnesses to her! Isn't this a wonderful way to honor our veterans?
Just thought we'd post a picture of our Queen Crape Myrtle Tree blooming in front of our house! We've been getting lots of complements on it and people wanting to know just what kind of tree it is!
We love boating. So far, we've owned 3 sailboats, two called Eagle's Wings, and a beautiful Mainship Trawler called Indigo Star. Currently, we have a small power boat, a Jeanneau 28 ft, called Lickity Split. We've sailed the Texas and Florida coastlines including the Keys and the Bahamas. Also, we've chartered boats in Polynesia (Tahiti area), Belize, Croatia, Midi Canal in France, Bahamas and Virgin Islands.
We also enjoy traveling to other countries, sometimes with the Friendship Force.
We retired to Punta Gorda Isles Florida and in 2008 started this blog about our life here. Read all about our great Retirement Adventures. Enjoy!
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