April 30 - We motored from Jew Fish Hole to Islamorada against 20 -25 kt head winds. Even though Tom & Muareen 's Cantagree's bottom is covered with barnacles, I had to motor at 2600 - 2700 rpm just to keepup. Normally, Eagle's Wings cruises at 2300 rpm. We dipped into two possible anchorages so Tom could check them out. The Intercoastal Waterway (AKA the ICW) passed through two banks, Peterson Bank and Shell Key Bank, on our way; bird spectators watched longside the channel probably taking bets on boats that would run aground. Skinny water is the rule. You can see our track at our Spot Shared Page.
Sherwood is hanging in there - a real "boat" cat!
We are anchored off Islamorada, a small town on Upper Matecumbe Key in six feet of clear water. Joanne & I donned our snorkeling gear for our first ever look at the bottom of our boat from the water. I got busy scrubbing the bottom. We'll work on it tommorrow as well. Also, for the first time, I dove to look at the anchor. It is buried in sand which is good for holding the boat securely at anchor. Click on images below to expand.

We had a wonderful seafood dinner with our friends, Maureen & Tom.
We strolled downtown for a look at the Monument to Hurricane Victims of 1935. Joanne and Maureen posed for a picture in front of it.
Just another lovely day in the Florida Keys!