Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pleneau Island and Yalour Islands

Leaving the Lemaire Channel behind  the World Navigator held position off Pleneau Island. As we approached  the Island's "beach," a flock of  Antarctic Shags took flight.

                                 Antarctic Shags


                    World Navigator from Pleneau Island.  

After lunch with the World Navigator positioned near the Yalour Islands, we boarded Zodiacs to land on somewhat flat island. Nevertheless upon reaching the island, , a short walk across a rocky beach and a few snow steps awaited us along with Adelie Penguins.   

                                                  Yalour Islands


                                                 Adelie Penguin

                                         The Penguin Slide

Really cute Adele penguins are a true Arctic species.  They waddled up the hill and slid down on their bellies.  Sometimes, they even slid UP the hill by flapping their flippers and somehow pushing their bodies.  They don’t seem to be bothered by humans at all and we stay well back from them.  The cruise company is very careful about us washing our boots before and after setting foot on Arctic land so that no germs or anything else bad could infiltrate this special environment.  And, there is absolutely no trash (tissues, wrappers, etc.) that can litter anywhere.  We leave it pristine as we found it.

                                       Back Down the Snow Steps

We also saw some 2-month- old baby “kelp gull” babies on a rock ledge.  They are balls of down and very cute.  This is the time that all the babies are growing rapidly before it turns cold next month.  Many of the species of birds and penguins feed from krill in the water that is very plentiful here.

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